Glamour [A corruption of grammar]By Maggie QueeneyA corruption of grammar—what knowledgeI have come by comes through the eyes To my hands—lightning runs…LivingAnxiety & Insecurity
Words for WorryBy Li-Young LeeAnother word for father is worry. Worry boils the waterfor tea in the middle of the night.Worry trimmed…LivingParenthoodRelationshipsFamily & AncestorsHome Life
RestlessBy Li-Young LeeI can hear in your voiceyou were born in one countryand will die in another, and where you live is where…LivingLife ChoicesThe MindDoubt & ContemplationMemory & NostalgiaActivitiesTravels & Journeys
Second DreamBy C. S. GiscombeI was a woman in a prison camp, my jobwas to work in the yard. I walked away,drifted north, like I do, and came to Canada; but by then I wasa man dressed in a long soviet coat, wool with...LivingLife ChoicesThe Mind
Glamour [The look I am hunting]By Maggie QueeneyThe look I am hunting: the onethat through color and cut glares the starer into a skull or a skeinof…LivingAngerAnxiety & Insecurity
Eternal FeminineBy Sasha DugdaleThe downs are certainly lovely, although by mortal lovelinessdid you mean they would disappear one day…Social CommentariesWar & ConflictLivingTypes/ModesProse Poem
Take the I OutBy Sharon OldsBut I love the I, steel I-beamthat my father sold. They poured the pig ironinto the mold, and it fed out slowly,a bending jelly in the bath, and it hardened,Bessemer, blister, crucible, alloy, and hemarketed it, and bought bourbon, and...LivingLife ChoicesParenthoodThe MindRelationshipsHome LifeActivitiesJobs & WorkingMetersFree VerseTechniquesConfessionalImageryMetaphor + 7 more
Honour KillingBy Imtiaz DharkerAt last I’m taking off this coat, this black coat of a country that I swore for years was mine, that I wore more out of habit than design. Born...History & PoliticsLivingLife ChoicesOptimism
p1The WakeBy Blas FalconerIn Francisco Oller’s El Velorio, a child lieson a table as if sleeping. It is covered in laceand blossoms… Related Audio LivingDeathParenthood
p1CarnivoreBy Rigoberto GonzálezI’m consuming myself, my doctor says, and I get the urge each time I lift a fork. How it rattles with…LivingHealth & IllnessThe Body
p1SearchingBy Jordan PérezWhen the purple snap peas in the garden couldn’t find anything to grasp onto, the shoots ferned into… Related Audio LivingParenthood
p1ScreamingBy Carmen GiménezIn Lima, my mother screams from her bed and from a garden and in the parlor of her nursing home, and…LivingHealth & Illness
p1CommunionBy Michelle OteroAfter the stroke our father lost the word light switch asked me to press the wall so a world could open… Related Audio LivingHealth & Illness
p1In the Surgical WardBy Carmen Calatayud my body at the water’s edge of opioid comfort under the brain’s night sky rounding the blue curve … Related Audio LivingHealth & IllnessThe Body
p1Is This My Last Ferry Trip?By Martha SilanoIs this the last time I’ll admire the guysin their neon-yellow slickers, guiding usto our parking spots… Related Audio LivingDeathHealth & IllnessThe Body
p1Self-Elegies By Martha SilanoBecause why not? Why not take the smashed pinecone of my life, render it in purple? Why not dream of… Related Audio LivingDeathHealth & IllnessThe BodyTypes/ModesElegy
The Night Before My PiP Tribunal I See My DeadBy Karl KnightsYou left a note.‘Please don’t judge metoo harshly.’ I read itat your memorial.I hate that my voicedidn…LivingSorrow & GrievingThe BodyRelationshipsFriends & EnemiesAngerGrief
The Difference Between a Dog and a Biscuit TinBy Karl KnightsIt’s Boxing Day and I’m nearly ten and a half.I got the camouflaged Action Man for Christmas.I told …LivingYouthThe BodyRelationshipsFamily & AncestorsHome LifeAngerDisappointmentGrief + 2 more
Dear John WayneBy Louise ErdrichAugust and the drive-in picture is packed.We lounge on the hood of the Pontiacsurrounded by the slow…Social CommentariesPopular CultureRace & EthnicityLivingYouthThe MindMemory & NostalgiaArts & SciencesPhotography & Film + 2 more
Meditation on InsomniaBy Josh Bell Kung-Fu, a couch, and I might reach emptiness tonight, stuck on that Midwest hoo-doo, counting cemetery…LivingHealth & IllnessThe MindMemory & NostalgiaActivitiesIndoor ActivitiesArts & SciencesPhotography & Film