Image description: Shapes of flowers and plants spell out the letters P O E T R Y in a grid format. Each are labeled in handwriting: "California Peony," "Matilija Poppy," "Elderberry," "White Sage," "Wild Cucumber," "Yucca." The background is light brown.

June 2022

Cover Artist: Weshoyot Alvitre

I know why the sun is out today.
Because yesterday it rained.

 Monica Sok
  • Courtney Faye Taylor
  • Orlando White
  • Jill Zheng
  • Monica Sok
  • Patricia Jabbeh Wesley
Table of Contents

From this Issue

By Ae Hee Lee
When people ask where I’m from, where I’m really from, I ready my permutations. My mélange of autumnal streets, my obscure cities, the countries I found built on a mound of papers and tears, the pebble-sized universe occupying my left shoe—I want to tell them everything. I want to see how far we can go.
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Table of Contents

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