A cover of Poetry magazine on a lavender background. In the top left corner are two rows of text that read: Poetry September 2022. In the top right corner is a black pegasus emblem. The word ‘Poetry’ is spelled out in a grid, two letters at a time in thre

September 2022

On Monuments; Cover Artist: Weshoyot Alvitre

Sometimes the stories wait for you
to begin

 Kenzie Allen
  • Kenzie Allen
  • A. Van Jordan
  • Walter Ancarrow
  • Martín Tonalmeyotl
  • Daniela Ema Aguinsky
Table of Contents

From this Issue



Nestora Salgado

By Martín Tonalmeyotl
Nació en medio de las altas montañas
y le fue asignado un jaguar como guardián.
Con sus manos cultivó un valle de flores para las
y con las alas de lepidópteros se vistió de colores.

Antes de dar un paso
bebió de las raíces del...
By Lucas Jorgensen
Brigit Pegeen Kelly said it burned. Hera Lindsay Bird said it burned in alphabetical order. There’s nothing left about it to say. To say, “there’s nothing left about it to say” is awfully similar to what Alberto Ríos said about...
Rectangle R3 March 1

Table of Contents

Square R3 March