Nov2024 poetry cover

November 2024

Cover Artist: Andrea Trabucco-Campos

When we go together, what is the simple form we make?

 Harryette Mullen
  • Lara Mimosa Montes
  • Jayne Cortez
  • Andrea Cohen
  • Othuke Umukoro
  • Darius Atefat-Peckham
Table of Contents

From this Issue


poetry-magazineI am asked a question.

By Jane Hirshfield
My life asks me a question.

I suggest a better question,
one I like more the sound of,
with more pleasing grammar.

My life humors me.
My life asks me that.

I don’t know an answer.

Life is stubborn and clever.
Life says: you must choose.

I can’t choose.

I leave the question.
I go into the garden and weed.

My life weeds with…


By Rüştü Onur
Translated By Ulaş Özgün & Hüseyin Alhas
A tree and a fruit,
And this golden lip
On the coral cups
                        —laughter ...
A step song
                        —and another.
The fruit of tranquility,
And the secret of becoming
Fill up this bowl.

Stop this pretense
This is a moment of becoming:
An approximation to God ...
Translated from the Turkish


By Adam Wolfond

the meanings
like needing air.

Has the camera
a way to language

time? Of course.

So does music.
So inside of

the leaving of
neurotypical language

is the movements
and the leaving of living

meaningful relations
that can change

some persons to think
about plants and the paces

of which the feeling thinking…
Rectangle R3 March 1

Table of Contents

Square R3 March