Rotor wash, or the downward-flowing Air by which our helicopters formed Imprints in the jungle grass beneath Now stands effectively for Vietnam Because our understanding of that war Omitted many things but not the wind We bowed our heads and fled. In this case we
On the fifth day the scientists who studied the rivers were forbidden to speak or to study the rivers. The scientists who studied the air were told not to speak of the air, and the ones who worked for the farmers were silenced, and the ones who worked...
How easy it is to lose oneself in a kelp forest. Between canopy leaves, sunlight filters thru the water surface; nutrients bring life where there’d other- wise be barren sea; a vast eco- system breathes. Each being being being’s link.
This century is younger than me. It dresses itself in an overlong coat of Enlightenment thinking despite the disappearing winter. It twirls the light-up fidget spinner won from the carnival of oil economies. In this century, chatbots write poems where starlings wander from their murmuration into the denim-thick...
We've always been out looking for answers, telling stories about ourselves, searching for connection, choosing to send out Stravinsky and whale song, which, in translation, might very well be our undoing instead of a welcome.
We launch satellites, probes, telescopes unfolding like origami, navigating geomagnetic storms, major disruptions. Rovers...
Here is the encyclopedia where I learn first position Here is where I begin ballet: at 12, in a class of 6-year-olds Here is where I get my period Here is where I substitute dance for childhood Here is studio “B” where I practice Here...
1. Who needs water with so many wings? 2. A Dewey Decimal System for feathers. 3. The librarian in the trees says, “Quiet!” 4. "I felt an intimacy with [birds]...bordering on frenzy [that] must accompany my steps through life." –John James Audubon. 5. Bird...
Lately, I've enlisted an app on my phone to keep track of the time that I can't witness—it maps the dark blanket of missing consciousness, a jagged line. Best night/worst night,
We know the last stuffed specimen of the dodo burned in 1755, though Wikipedia's "Dodo: Talk" page shows sources conflict on whether the fire was an accident
or intentional. They say it had started to smell. The...
The research center is a cube building with a neat chimney plunged into the right side. The researchers are covered head to toe in white cloth. Unrelatedly, they are sexless. They don't draw lakes in forests. They don't play classic...
An ulcer develops inside my lower lip in crevasse of gumline, the translucent milky gray pocks oral mucosa landscape of dark pink & I remember my flesh incubates; a home for short-lived tenets evolving a kind of thought come to...